Friday, February 8, 2013


Director: Steven Spielberg
Cast: Craig T. Nelson, JoBeth Williams, Beatrice Straight,
Year: 1982
Rating: PG-13
EERin's Rating: "Creepy!" - 4 out of 5 Slashes

Most horror fans have seen this film. But anyone who hasn't might underestimate just how creepy it is. There's a softness to the story because it's centered around a family. I assume that some people view this as a scary Disney film. Well, just because "R" didn't make the rating cut, don't feel too safe.

We open to a picturesque, down-to-earth suburb where the Freeling family of five lives. Stephen and Joanne Freeling are a loving couple and caring parents of the teenage Dana, middle child Robbie, and the five-year-old precious Carol Anne. Life is wonderful and perfect - until forces from another world decided to enter their home and turn it, along with their lives, into a living nightmare. Chairs move by themselves, lights go on and off, and all seems harmless at first until Carol Anne is abducted by the unseen intruders and held captive in another dimension inside the house.

This film receives my highest rating, which means I was freaked out! The brilliance in Poltergeist is that it wraps you into a scenario you can relate to. The normal suburban home with the normal mom and dad and their normal children with their normal dog. You feel this could be your home and, for many of us, home is security and comfort (sigh!). Spielberg takes the trust we put in that comfort and stabs us in the back! For example, let's have your house kidnap your sweet, innocent little girl and make you listen to her screams while you can do nothing to help. Home isn't so great anymore.
Spielberg also brings to life some of our childhood fears. We've all had at least one toy in our lives that creeped us out. In Poltergeist, poor little Robbie is scared of a happy-looking toy clown doll. What happens? The doll comes to life and tries to kill him. Very Child's Play, and I haven't even begun to relate the disturbed mess Chucky leaves me in!
Scariest scene: I could pick a few from this film, but the most subtle scene gives my spine shivers. The whole family is gathered around one evening after Carol Anne's abduction. While they can't see her, she can be heard through the TV. They talk to her and listen to her voice as it echoes in the house. Suddenly, Carol Anne's tiny voice says, "Mommy, there's somebody here..."
All I can think at this time is, "What the hell is in there with that child?"
Bottom line: If you want to revisit some childhood memories, here's a creepy way to do it!

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